2023 Desk Calendar

Hi there 🙂 I’m finally getting around to catching up on blogging some of the stuff I made a while ago!!! Each year, I like to make myself a desk calendar for my desk at work – something pretty to look at as the days go by. This year, I used Tea Cup Pansies – my favorite flower – from Fred She Said. I colored it up with my Copics, using a very traditional pansy color pattern.

I used a bit of gold sparkle pen on the tea cup design, then used the same gold to color in the edge of the pretty shape that I die cut the image with. I printed off the calendar pages, then ran them through the sewing machine to perforate them. After stapling them together, I attached the pad to the calendar base. To hide the staples, I popped the image on the base with some adhesive foam, overlapping the edge a bit over the calendar pad.

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends – #200 ATG

Pammie’s Inky Pinkies – #2307 ATG

Creative Inspirations – February ATG

Your Scrapbook Place – February ATG

Incy Wincy Designs Challenge – February Valentines and/or In the Garden

1 comment

  1. Beautiful desk calendar! Your coloring is fabulous. Thanks for joining in with us at Pammie’s Inky Pinkies. Hope to see you again. Bonnie DT

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