Lady Slippers

Hi there 🙂 When I saw this Lady Slipper Orchid image at Power Poppy, it brought back such wonderful memories of my mom and dad, that I had to have it. Growing up in the Canadian prairies, there was such an array of beautiful wild flowers throughout the spring and summer. My dad and I had a bit of a race who could bring mom the first handful of any particular flower. He worked at a provincial park, so he would often beat me, but I almost always won with Lady Slippers!! They are an endangered flower in Manitoba, so it’s frowned upon if they’re picked, and you most definitely can’t dig them up to transplant!! Well, considering this, he wasn’t going to pick them at the park, so I would trudge through the ditches on our gravel roads, until I’d find one of the massive patches of Lady Slippers and pick a small bouquet for mom. I showed her one of these patches I found, when I say massive, I mean massive!! She figured one little plant wouldn’t make a difference in the survival of the species in our area, so dug one up to put in her garden. Dad was horrified!! She just gave a little snort, and told him not to give any conservation officers a tour of the garden!! No more was said, lol. I colored this beautiful image up with my Copics, then fussy cut it out.

Power Poppy‘s current blog challenge calls for a CAS card, so that’s the route I took!! I die cut a white circle, then sliced it into strips, which I glued on to a cream card base, leaving spaces between the pieces. I stamped a simple sentiment (will have to send a little letter to my sister in New Mexico with this!). After popping the image onto the circle pieces with foam dots, I added a few dew drop embellishments for a bit of embellishment.

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Power Poppy’s Blossom Challenge – Clean Slate

Papercraft Challenge – #90 ATG

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends – #199 ATG

Crafts Galore Encore – #108 February ATG

A Gem of a Challenge – Week 3 ATG


  1. I just LOVE this design Susan! It’s so perfect for the challenge with the beautiful detail in your lovely colouring and the simplicity of the card design! A perfect Clean Slate card for The Blossom Challenge! Thanks so much for joining us!

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