Geometric Birthday Card

Hi there 🙂 Well, I’m late at posting this for Creative Fingers Challenge Blog….I’d like to say I’ve had a good excuse, as I’ve dealt with my website totally crashing for unknown reasons, a nasty blizzard, and after getting through that safely, an even nastier (my first) car accident. I’m fine, but so very shaken up, and the thought of driving now makes me more than a little bit queasy and anxious!! Anyway, no time to mope, got a blog post to write!! Our sponsor this time is the wonderful Angelique, who is offering these “love”ly heart stickers.

I’ve made a vow to dig into my scrap drawer as much as possible this year. IE: use more than I deposit!! Lol. I also want to use all these stamps and dies that I just had to have, and have remained unused!! I managed to do both with this card, which is a bit different for me, as it doesn’t have a colored image on it. I used a scrap of silver mirror card to cut the geometric shape with a Scrapman die, then used it again to cut a white piece, so I could inlay the teeny weeny ridiculously small pieces. I die cut a birthday sentiment, then used scraps of black and white to layer it on, then attached it to the card with foam dots. Some matte black and shiny silver embellishments finish the card off….and I didn’t even put anything back into the scrap drawer!!!

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Creative Crafting Uncles – #25 Happy Birthday

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends – #175 ATG

Pixie’s Snippets Playground – #421 ATG with Snippets


  1. Stunning card. Love that great geometric die-cut at the side paired with the birthday sentiment.

    Fab snippets card.

    Sorry to hear about your car accident. Hope you feel better soon.

    Think you’d better sit & relax in a comfy chair up in the Playground treehouse and I’ll make you a nice cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows for the shock!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Great use of snippets for this geometric card. Good to read that you are trying to use up more ‘scrap’ than you deposit and also trying to use items from your stash. Just what I’m attempting too, trying hard to resist buying crafty ‘stuff’.

  3. You deserve a medal for all that inlaying on your fabulous geometric die cut. This is a brilliant card – so perfect for the male of the species as well.

    I know only too well how scary what we call in the UK ‘black ice’ can be. I once did a 180 degree spin in bright sunshine on a country lane – my very first near accident. Thankfully the car was OK but if it hasn’t been for a Good Samaritan stopping, maneuvering the car round again and then almost forcing me to carry on driving it – I would probably have left it there and run all the way back home in tears!

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