Spotlight Thanks

Hey there 🙂 I hope everyone is staying healthy….and sane….in the craziness that has overtook the world <3 I’m here to share my inspiration for the current challenge at the Ching-Chou Kuik Facebook group. This month, our theme is Easter/Florals, but the DT were also challenged to implement the spotlight technique in their project this week. I managed to fit both themes in, but instead of a spot of light, I went with a ray of light, and used my Copics to color a strip in the center of the Sweet Bunny image.

To keep the focus on the “light”, I elected to keep everything on the card but the “ray” black and white. I found some blue CS to carry the ray through, and layered everything on a black and white floral background. The black matting, pearls and sentiment add some contrast and enhance the colored strip.

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Through the Craft Room Door – ATG for the week of Mar. 10

Penny’s Papercrafty Challenge – #466 ATG

Aud Sentiments Challenge Blog – #246 Feminine + a Sentiment

DL Art – March ATG Linky Challenge


  1. Ooo, this is really fabulous! Love the technique and the background paper. Thanks for sharing this with us at Penny’s!

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