Retro Pink

Good morning 🙂  Another pink card from me today….don’t know what’s getting into me lately with the pink!!!  I have an excuse for this one, as it’s for an order for a lady that loves the color 🙂  I looked all over for the right image to use, to fit the recipients tastes….and found this lovely at The Paper Shelter.  I cropped Barbershop, before printing and coloring her with Copics.  I saw this sketch, at Cheerful Sketches Challenge, and decided to use it for my layout.

I turned to a pad of DCWV papers for my choices of prints, and went with the bold pinks and blacks that coordinate with the image.  After cutting all the pieces for the sketch out, I embellished the card with a pink rose and some die cut blossoms over a few ribbon pieces, and went to town with the bling! 🙂  I’m sure the birthday girl will love this blingy pink retro lady 🙂

I’d like to enter the following with this:

Cheerful Sketches – May Sketch, shown above

The Paper Shelter Challenge – #340 Digital Image

Through the Craft Room Door – Week of May 22

World Wide Open DT Challenge – #05 ATG

Double D Challenge – Bling it Up


  1. Beautiful card Susan, love your pretty layout and designer paper you used with Barber Shop. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at The Paper Shelter. We would love to see you again … Anet DTx

  2. Awesome card and I love your coloring. Great to make her clothes matching the papers.
    Thanks for joining us at Cheerful Sketches.
    xxx Margreet DT

  3. Perfect paper combo for the wonderfully colored fun image and layout. Thanks for sharing with us at Through The Craft Room Door !

  4. Wow, she is stunning, amazing coloring on this fabulous image and you have done a great job on the layout! Thanks so much for playing at The Paper Shelter’s Digital Image challenge this week. Hope to see you playing along next time:) Hugs! Audrey DT

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