Little Cowgirl

It’s been quite some time since I’ve made a stepper card, so I figured there was no time like the present 🙂  I’m really short of baby girl cards, and live in a community that there are many cow people (or wanna-be cow people!).  The Cowgirl Dollie image from Ching-Chou Kuik is a perfect choice for a cute, somewhat non traditional baby card.  I colored the little sweetie up with my SN and Copic markers, then cut the image out with a die, that I’d inked, so the frame and stitching were defined.

  I made up the stepper card base, then cut pieces of DP to go on each piece.  The square parts on the side step parts were also put through the sewing machine to give some stitch detail to frame the edges and complement the stitching from the die.  I got out some new western dies that I just got recently, and cut the hat, boots and horseshoes out of pink and kraft CS.  I inlaid the band on the hat and the boot designs with the opposite colors.  The sentiment is one I did on the computer, then added some color to part of it, and cut out with a smaller die.

  Seeing as how everyone around seems to be having girls, I’m sure this card will find it’s way to a new home soon 🙂

I’d like to enter this card in the following:

Ching-Chou Kuik Inspiration and Challenge Blog – New Beginnings

Creative Knockouts – #229 In Stitches

The Southern Girls Challenge – Stitch Me Up

World Wide Open DT Challenge – #01 ATG

{PIN}spirational Challenges – #207



  1. Really sweet card, love your image & your colouring. Lovely!! Thanks for joining us at Southern Girls, Anne DT

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